Monday, October 24, 2011

So annoyed. And so sleepy.

I officially have a new #1 on my Things I Hate list:  car alarms.

I do not know what the deal is, but for the last month there have been car alarms going of in the middle of the night about three times a week.  It is HORRIBLE.  There are two cars that keep doing it.  One just emits a piercing intermittent shriek, but the other lets of a series of ever-more infuriating noises and then pauses just long enough for you to think the owner has finally turned it off before starting the cycle all over again.  It's a mystery to me why these things keep going off unless some hooligan* is doing it for fun since they are obviously NOT being stolen given that they are screeching away two nights later.

So, theoretically, I know what car alarms are for, but do they serve any actual purpose?  I have never in my life heard a car alarm go off and then people jump up to go make sure it isn't being stolen.  It seems like they usually get tripped when someone bumps into the car or a motorcycle goes past or you accidentally hit the panic button on your keychain remote.  And BECAUSE that's why they usually go off, no one ever pays attention to them anymore.  I know my first thought isn't ever, "Uh oh, that car's being stolen!"  It's usually more along the lines of intense irritation that someone made a mistake and now I'm going to have a headache all day.

I don't even know if my car has an alarm on it.  I suppose it probably does, but it's never been set off.  Which is good because if it did, I'd probably be inclined to get it removed and that would cost money and I've already sunk enough cash into that vehicle this month.

Basically, I don't really think there's a point to car alarms anymore.  Granted, that's mostly because I'm dying for a night of uninterrupted sleep** but I'm going to go with this is an excellent idea.  No more alarms on cars!  Let's have a rally!  Please?

I'm so sleep-deprived . . .  snaetoiaetnkadghw4t nkjwe.l;kkga

*There is a pack of kids who roam my street and one of the hilarious antics they get up to is pulling the fire alarm for my building so that a migraine-inducing tone goes off until the landlord comes over to turn it off.  I can only hope we never ACTUALLY have a fire because I've never seen any sort of an emergency response apart from irate figures storming out of their apartments to hurl expletives at fleeing children.

**Apart from car alarms, there are also babies and dogs in my neighborhood to provide late night entertainment should the alarms be slacking for a night.  Usually I can sleep through those though; the car alarms ALWAYS wake me up.  Although I suppose that's the point.

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