Friday, November 4, 2011

Yup, I'm a curmudgeon

Sometimes, with my job, I just really want to smack people.  I mean, they can be entitled, inconsiderate, lazy, whiny, and insanely frustrating and I just have to smile and bite my tongue.*  Once I have more of an established working relationship with someone I'll occasionally express a dissenting opinion in a (hopefully) mild way but for the most part I try to hold it in and rage out later in the privacy of my car on the freeway.

Essentially, I own my own business so when I work with people it's in a mutually beneficial business arrangement.  I don't really feel the need to pander to people who I think treat me badly.  A couple weeks ago I dissolved a business relationship** with someone who kept jerking me around on scheduling and was incredibly irresponsible.  And yes, I lost money because of it that I kind of can't afford to lose but the stress that woman was putting in my life just was not worth the amount of money I was being paid.

It's completely bizarre to me how some people don't comprehend that actions have consequences.  I don't even know how you can get to the adult portion of your life without having figured that out.  I suppose if you live a charmed existence or are SERIOUSLY oblivious it might happen . . . but geez.  It makes life for the people who have to deal with you pretty unpleasant.

I'm the first to admit I'm a bit of a stickler for being responsible and dependable.  I hold people accountable for things whether it's personal or professional.  I had this one friend in college who was surprised by my attitude several times.  Once, I let her borrow my class notes for a weekend as long as she gave them back by Sunday night since we had a test on Tuesday.  Well, she went home for the weekend (40 miles away) and forgot to bring them back.  So when I asked her for my notes back and she said they were at home, I said "Then I guess you'd better go get them."  I can see where some people would think that was harsh (she certainly did), but I did her a favor and her response was to ignore the impact her actions had on my grade.  I was very serious about school and that was NOT okay with me.  Another time I lent her a book and when she gave it back it was stained, the pages were folded and the cover was ripped.  So I checked the price and told her she could replace it or give me $8 so that I could.  Once again, she was flummoxed.  In what world is it okay to destroy someone's property and then not replace it?  I take care of my stuff because I want it to last for a long time.  I still lend out books to people, but now I make sure they know up front that if they don't return it to me in like condition, they'll be buying me a new one.  And they have without exception agreed that was perfectly reasonable.

Sometimes I feel like such a stick-in-the-mud because when people don't hold themselves accountable, I have to do it.  Because, quite frankly, I'd rather be considered a fuddy duddy than let people walk all over me.  I just wish people would man up and act like considerate adults instead of entitled toddlers.  Then we could all be pleasant together and I wouldn't have to rant and rave and possibly have a stroke.

*To be fair, I work with some really awesome, respectful people too.

**I like to say I fired them because it makes me feel like a badass.

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