Friday, May 27, 2011

Cranky pants

I’m far from being a perfect person and I’m starting to think I have way too many pet peeves to even attain average status.  The vast majority of them, however, have to do with the way people drive.   Sometimes the things people do just baffle me.
  1. Turning from the driving lane when there is a perfectly good turning lane that you are blatantly not using, forcing me to slow down.
  2. Slowing down to 5 mph to make a turn.  Unless you are a super-frail old person or are transporting an Ace of Cakes-style confectionary wonder, there is no excuse for this.
  3. Braking as you go through a green light.  (brain explodes)
  4. Turning left right in front of me as I'm coming towards you.  For some bizarre reason I referred to these people as "suicide bunnies" the other day.  I'm thinking of making it a thing.
  5. Hanging out for a good 5 seconds before accelerating when a light turns green.  This is not your personal green light.  You have to share with others.  Go.
  6. Blocking an intersection because you were about to lose your green light and then you got stuck and now everyone on the cross-street can't move because you're in the way.  I'll admit sometimes this can be an honest mistake, but sometimes people are just jerks. Also, does no one else pay attention to the cross walk signs that count down the number of seconds left?  I love those things.
  7. Swerving in front of me then braking to turn.  Dude.  Not cool.
  8. Turning left from the right lane or vice versa.  How in the world did you get your license?  If you miss your turn you go around the block.  You're not in some high speed chase where the bad guy gets away if you lose sight of him.
  9. Driving slowly but swerving in your lane.  I don't know if you're drunk or what, but it makes me nervous to try and pass you so I'm forced to go all slow until I get angry enough that I don't care how much you'll destroy my car, I'm passing you anyway.
  10. Not giving me the wave when I'm nice and let you merge or turn in front of me.  ALWAYS give the wave when people are nice, it's not like it's hard.  Do NOT give the wave if you cut someone off.  Then it's just snarky.
  11. Ignoring all of the "lane closure ahead" signs and zipping right down to the end and forcing your way into the line, cutting all of the responsible people who got over a mile ago.  You, you personally, are causing traffic jams.
  12. Zooming all the way to the end of a merging lane on the interstate and forcing your way in rather than taking an open spot at the beginning of the lane.  People coming up on the ramp are looking for you and making room, people past it are not.  (This is really the same peeve as #11 minus the construction.)
You may have noticed a good portion of these pertain to people forcing me to slow down because I find that to be incredibly annoying.  I mean look, I just used a bunch of gas to get up to the speed I was going and if I have to stomp on the brake I lose all of that momentum and then have to use MORE gas to get back to the speed I was originally at!  I don't know if you've noticed, but gas is really freaking expensive.

I know, some of these are pretty nit picky but I'm not always in the most forgiving frame of mind when I drive and I start panicking that I'm going to be late.  Also, I promise I don't have road rage!  I don't actually DO anything to these people, I just grumble to myself about their callous disregard for my schedule/gas budget.

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