Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just wear socks for instant fun

My floors are all hardwood which, I remember at some point, I used to love.  They’re way easier to clean up since you can just sweep and maybe Swiffer wet mop if you feel like it or if you get lotion-y footprints all over the floor the way I do when I don’t want dry feet but I don’t want socks either.  Two apartments ago I had all hardwood floors and it was great because I’m a girl with pretty long hair and if you are or have ever lived with a person like that you know that hair control is a serious issue.  In my old place the air currents would move the hair around the floor until it gathered in clumps in three different corners where it could then easily be picked up and thrown away.

I don’t know if my current place has bad air flow or if the furniture placement is throwing things off, but here my hair does not settle sedately into a few key locations waiting patiently to be disposed of.   Instead, a few rogue strands will meet up, form alliances with dust bunnies and roam the place at large frequently stopping in the middle of the floor making me think 1. It’s a bug that needs to be destroyed or 2. I live in a den of filth and disgustingness which makes me all dejected, causing me to turn to Baked Lays for comfort.

UPDATE:  I’ve since rearranged the furniture (several times) and now it’s much better.  I can see any dirt really easily though because of all the natural light I get so if I’ve been too busy to clean for a while that still gives me the heebie jeebies. 

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