Sunday, May 15, 2011


So you know how guys always try to pick up girls by lying and trying to talk about made-up careers and backgrounds and stuff?  (I don’t actually know how much this happens in real life, but it’s practically non-stop in sitcoms.)

I always wish that would happen to me.  But I want the guy to be lying about something I know all about so that I can trip him up and call him out and be all “Aha!”  I think that’d be great.  And I maybe even have a semi-decent chance of it happening (using sitcom stats) because although I live in LA now, I used to live in Kentucky.  And if people lie, they’re probably going to lie about stuff that’s far removed from where they are now so it’s harder to check on.  I feel pretty confident I could catch someone out if they lied about Kentucky (heck, let’s say the South in general), horses, alcohol (I used to work for a distillery) or math.  I’m not saying I know all there is to know about these things by any means, but I think I know more than someone who’s lying about knowing all about them. 

Now that I think about it, this is probably just another form of my pathological competitiveness.  If I can call him out, I win!  I like to win entirely too much.  Unfortunately, this entire scenario is highly unlikely because I’m a fuddy duddy who never goes out and if there’s a strange guy in my apartment I’m not going to be listening to him hit on me, I’m going to be pulling out my baseball bat to encourage him to leave.

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