Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ah, summer . . .

Sometimes I confuse even myself.  Take this for example:  It's July now and the highs have been hovering around 90 for the past couple of weeks.  Now on the one hand I love hot weather.  However, I don't think I really realized that that love was contingent on being able to get away from it whenever I want.  My apartment does have air conditioning but it's not central air, it's just a wall unit so it really only cools the bedroom.  Also, running the air conditioning is expensive and I could probably give Scrooge a run for his money frugality wise.

The upshot is, it took me a few days of sweltering through the afternoons in my apartment to even remember that I had air conditioning.  That's definitely the kind of thing that can make you feel dumb.  I've still only used it once though so far (I was already showered and ready to go somewhere and didn't think a miasma of sweat stench would add to my look).  Mostly I just eat popsicles and refrigerated watermelon like it's my job.  (What if it WAS?  Best job ever.)

As miserable as it can be, I kind of like it because sweating makes me feel like I'm getting stuff done even if all I'm actually doing is trolling YouTube.  A lot of times, even if I go for a run outside I don't feel like I sweat that much because it evaporates right away since the air is so dry.  Back in Kentucky the summer is muggy enough to leave you in a permanently drenched state (less than optimal).  So I have this correlation in my head of sweating equals a good work out.  I was fascinated the first time I realized that even though I wasn't sweaty after a hike, I was covered in salt dust from where it all evaporated.  So.  Cool.

I am so easily entertained.

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