Sunday, July 24, 2011

I should take a poll

I think pretty much everyone I know likes accents.  Which leads me to believe that, probably, almost everyone in the world likes accents.  Where it differs is what kind of accents are your favorite.  I personally like everything from the British isles, although I decided recently that Irish tops the list.  Other people I know prefer Spanish, Italian, French, or German.  (Hmm, Europe seems to be over-represented here.)

Now, what I was thinking about the other day was, is American anyone's favorite accent?  Being an American who lives in America, I'm not all that impressed by it.  It's just normal, you know?  Standard, non-exotic.  But I don't think I've ever heard of it being swooned over.  In fact, the descriptions I've heard of it (harsh, nasal) aren't exactly flattering.  Which is a bummer.

So, is there something about the Romance languages that makes them inherently more attractive?  Is it a cultural thing, that one group of people tend to prefer the way another group speaks?  Or is it all a matter of individual opinion and there's someone for everybody?

I do realize that my viewpoints on this could be skewed since my reference points and cultural ideas are influenced by the media and stereotypes of my country,  (Warning:  I am about to make a flawed mental leap full of logical fallacies.  But this is a blog and I'm just pondering, so I don't care).  Maybe Americans prefer accents from English-speaking countries or Europe because we feel like we're the most similar culturally, but it's different enough to be exciting.

Something to think about anyway.

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